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A project for a documentary in Sierra Leone.
The search for a tangible boundary that goes beyond geographical constraint.
The Years We Have Been Nowhere explores the reality of deportees to Sierra Leone, by facing lots of individual cases of people deported from western countries up to determining repeated forms of marginalization that characterize not only the experience abroad but also the one lived when they return home.
“I never met my father; I know his face, I heard his voice, I speak quite often with him. His German accent is a bit funny. I understand what he wants to say, but I never met him”.
A girl in Berlin
Support Us!
The success of the documentary is largely dependent upon the budget and financial support we receive.
For this reason, we are looking for sponsors or donors who can support a project that aims to help a wider audience understand how deportation affects the lives of human beings.

“The Years We Have Been Nowhere” at the Rimini Web Marketing Festival
July 13, 2021
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